Board of Trustees

Lamplighter is forever grateful for the decades of service by its past, present and future Trustees. These men and women are custodians of the integrity of the Lamplighter School institution and of its standing and reputation built by the founders and those who have labored over the years.
Twenty-five (25) Trustees and sixteen (16) Life Trustees hold “in trust” the school’s future as well as its present. The Board reflects strength, vision, experience, and knowledge of the surrounding educational community, as well as a blending of educational, managerial, investment, business, and legal talents. 

2024-2025 Officers                    

Margaret Johansen Hirsch '89, Chair
Thomas Morton, Vice Chair
Morgan Kennedy, Treasurer
Elizabeth Cullum Helfrich '90, Secretary    

2024-2025 members

Dr. Lilly Albritton '91 Whitney Lewis
Roy Aneed Eric V. Lombardi  '73
Flauren Fagadau Bender '90 Dr. Jaya T. Mathew
David Beran          Dr. Matthew D. Miller '88
Sarah Schoellkopf Bloom '77    Dr. Chad Park
Jordan Brainerd Byron Sanders
Sylvia Cespedes Margaret Flanagan Solomon '77
Grace Cook '98 Byron Spears
David Guedry Michelle Neuhoff Thomas '75
Melanie Jabbour Carmen Yung
Stephanie Knight  


Ex-Officio Participants
Barrell Jones, Lamplighter Parents' Association President
Taylor Gromatzky Somerford '99, Alumni Association President

Life Trustees

Stuart Bumpas
Mary McDermott Cook
David Corrigan ’68
Mike Dodge
Neil Foote
Judy Gass
Charles Ginsburg, M.D.
Marietta Johnson
Jack Klein
Carol Levy
David Miller
Jennifer Mosle
Barbara Nichols
Karen Sheinberg Pollock ’76
Catherine M. Rose
Alex Sharma